A costume model created for the official HP original character "Sakura-chan (tentative name)". We are diverting "Sakura-chan (tentative name)" data based on the rules. Please follow this agreement and "Sakura-chan (tentative name)" agreement when using. Since the head is not included, please purchase after purchasing from the following. https://www.v-market.work/ec/items/2715/detail/ The copyright of "Sakura-chan (tentative name)" is completely owned by ⓒHP Japan Inc.
【利用規約】 本モデルはUVライセンスで公開されています。 本モデルでは基礎条項に加え、個別条項をもとに以下の行為を許可します。 ・個人の商用利用の許可 ・二次的著作物の配布の許可 ・配布、販売時のデータ流用の許可 規約全文は下記URLを参照してください。 https://uv-license.com/ja/license?utf8=%E2%9C%93&pcu=true&ddw=true&dmd=true